Морской и пассажирский порты Питера - в Финляндию и Швецию на пароме, фотографии, часть 18

В предпоследней части рассказа о путешествии в Финляндию и Швецию на пароме St. Peters Line Princess Maria я расскажу о порте Санкт-Петербурга с массой фотографий кораблей, видов и морского вокзала.

Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Сначала мы заходим в узкий канал, по бокам которого тянется длинная и симпатичная коса. Сразу захотелось как-то выбраться туда на прогулку. Но пока не сложилось.
Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

А потом начинается собственно грузовой порт Санкт-Петербурга с массой кораблей, кранов и причалов. Зрелище на любителя - я был очарован. )

Дальше очень много фотографий разных кораблей.
Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

С одной стороны порт - с другой жилые кварталы.
Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Индустриальные пейзажи во всей красе
Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме

И вид на морской вокзал Санкт-Петербурга, именно здесь останавливаются паром - один из них уже стоит, а мы приближаемся.
Питер Хельсинки Стокгольм на пароме


Морской и пассажирский порты Питера - в Финляндию и Швецию на пароме, фотографии, часть 18 — Комментарии (18)

  1. Hi Omar. I'm still enjoying your pics from your Finland trip. My parents are going to Germany in a few days. Not taking me, of course. Though I'll be really jealous when they go to Russia and not take me D:.

    I wanted to show you this cool video I found. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWTFG3J1CP8 Maybe it's kind of boring, but I liked it a lot. It is really clever and creative. I'm not sure if I agree with the ending, though. What do you think?

  2. Sorry, I just remembered about this now. It's kind of difficult for me to remember to check when I post here because I'm not alerted by e-mail like most other things.

    My dad hated my video D:. Too bad I love it lots, and I usually don't have patience for long videos. I think I watched it like 3 times in a row. Plus, that British guy is cute and actually sings in a British accent... :3

    Anyway, you know that very famous game, tetris, which is set to the tune of the famous Russian song "korobeiniki"? Well, this is kind of an educational video that has tetris as its analogy about the history of the soviet union. If you had the lyrics, I'm sure it would make more sense to you. I'm actually an audio-learner, so I understand things in foreign languages much better if I hear it.

    • because I’m not alerted by e-mail like most other things.

      There must be chekbox for email alerting, it is not enabled by default, but it will remember your settings. )

      Anyway, you know that very famous game, tetris,

      Very famous russian game. 😉

      If you had the lyrics, I’m sure it would make more sense to you.

      Well, we are really in different cultures. )

      I simply do not understand why it need to be done so, in such form. And I do not understand that visual and music (singing) style.

  3. Эта коса - Канонерский остров. Мы недавно были на этом острове, у тех домов, что вы снимали, но по косе тоже не прошли - и без этого были слишком большие концы по городу. Тоже было и есть большое желание туда пройти. Остров есть в моем ЖЖ, там действительно здорово, хотя на любителя.
    Мы тоже на этом пароме хотели проехать, но из-за дикой жары пропустили сроки на визу. Поэтому просто в Питер съездили.

    • Мы тоже на этом пароме хотели проехать, но из-за дикой жары пропустили сроки на визу. Поэтому просто в Питер съездили.

      Никогда не поздно. )

      С другой стороны зависит от точки зрения, я еще помню ваше недоумение - почему я на маршрутках в Финляндию не езжу. )

      Разное восприятие мира - разные желания ) Не говоря уже о поступках

    • Эта коса – Канонерский остров.

      Наглядный пример, кстати. Мне и в голову не пришло поинтересоваться ее названием. Если бы собрался посмотреть живьем - то посмотрел бы визуально по карте, как добраться, конкретный координаты может и записал - но надолго не запомнил. ))))

  4. I simply do not understand why it need to be done so, in such form. And I do not understand that visual and music (singing) style.

    Interesting. There isn't anything like that in Russian? I'm sure there are. Some kind of educational things that are done in creative song-form to better teach people educational things. Like teaching little kids how to read, or about some other things they need to know about that. I can't think of any myself, but that's because I'm only familiar with the Russian children's cartoons in the mid 80s.

    In English-speaking countries, this is very popular. This song is made for adults(or at least people unfamiliar with the Soviet Union which is many young Americans) , though, to teach them about the history of the Soviet Union. It is very educational and amusing, that's a great way to learn about something- through song. When I studied French and Japanese, we learned lots of songs to help us learn the language.

    Oh and I found the box to check, hopefully it will send me an e-mail this time : D.

    • t is very educational and amusing, that’s a great way to learn about something- through song.

      Well, I watched this video much more careful. I undestand its lyrics.

      I still do not like it singing style and leading singer (it look like complete idiot, sorry), but can agree, that this video very well made.

      But there is a different problem. It is extremely simple for me and every educated russian. And as I think, for every educated man in the world, who MUST know world history on this level (I know much more about Japan, China, Australia or USA...)

      It may be interesting for someone, who does not know anything about USSSR and Russia.

      It may be intersting for kids... we also have such educational things for kids.... not exactly the same, of course...

      But not for adult, not in Russia, not for educated people.

      Russian histrory interest me very much, I am constantly learning it in my free time. And this video can tell only the most basic things - that Lenin was before Stalin, but after czar, that we build a lot and create space ships, and have a Mackdonalds and stock market after Gorbachev.

      Not too much.

      And there are too many mistakes above this level.

      And it is comletely foreign. Even the same facts will be differently composed by russian author.

      For example, the World War II is the biggest tragedy in our history, every russian author gives it much more time and attention. Many times more.

      The 70-s is a time of peace of stability, even USSR haters and anticommunist admit it.

      The huge chaos and distruction of 90-s looks like completely different, than in this video. There is a huge difference between Eltsin anf Putin-Medvedev here in Russia.

  5. I still do not like it singing style and leading singer (it look like complete idiot, sorry), but can agree, that this video very well made.

    Haha! I can see why you think the main singer looks like an idiot. I think that's the British humor going through there. I've seen British humor before and whereas when I was younger, I didn't appreciate it at all and found none of it funny, now I just find it silly how over exaggerated it can be. The main singer is supposed to be a Russian singing about the *dramatic* history of the Soviet Union. I find his antics amusing.

    But there is a different problem. It is extremely simple for me and every educated russian. And as I think, for every educated man in the world, who MUST know world history on this level (I know much more about Japan, China, Australia or USA…)

    Well... the problem with that is the education system. Still these days, the education system in Russia and in the US are so vastly different. The US education system, while it is changing so that it can compete better with "more educated" countries, has always tried to foster creativity much better. This is why we used to have such great arts programs in our schools. I was able to learn how to play an instrument and be in band throughout my school days, and I always went to the worst schools in my town. I was able to do this through local governmental funds. Kids in *all* schools, public or private, should have access to this.

    The flip side to this is that other areas were taught poorly. History has always been my favorite subject in school, but I can imagine kids who don't like history will hardly learn a thing in our education system. Yes, we learned a whole lot about WWI and especially WWII, however, we hardly learned anything else about world history. Actually, taking advanced world history when I was in High School was an option that I didn't take because I chose to take advanced English. Looking back, I would have gone with the history option, but in those times, just offering advanced classes (called AP classes) were a really new thing in low performing schools.

    No, we didn't really learn anything about the Soviet Union. We hardly learned a thing about the cold war because well... it had been over since 1990 and I suppose teachers didn't really care to spend time teaching their students about it since it was such a huge deal during their time. It's unfortunate, but I would argue that the majority of young Americans (anyone under 30, really) hardly know a thing about the Soviet Union. They are highly amused by Putin, but other than that, they are just ignorant, and it's not entirely their fault.

    This is why the video is educational for us. I really like it because it's very well made and it has a really educational message. You think that it teaches you the basic things, but that's because you, as a Russian, already know everything about that and in way, way greater detail. I liked the video because I knew a lot of the specifics of the history of the Soviet Union- the bolshevic revolution, the rise of lenin, the war, the take over by Stalin, the dictator-like rest of the Soviet leaders until the great Gorbachev stepped in(my favorite Soviet leader by far XD;), then the rise of democracy and the elevated risk of the right wing and with Putin still glorifying the days of the Union and really, we think that if he had it his way, he would go back to the Union and involve as many former Soviet states as he could. Many Americans think that he represents this. This is why I am a little weary of the end of the video where the other British guy alludes that the right will rise and there will be some kind of quasi-Soviet Union.

    Back again to the silliness of the singing... You know, earlier today I noticed another one of those Burger King commercials where this guy is singing about his whopper or something, and these kinds of commercials are getting more and more popular. There is also one with Subway. There were a series of these really funny songs about Subway sandwiches that most Americans are very familiar with. Americans love silly songs, I think. It really catches our attention. We don't only use it for education, we use it when we want to catch others' attention on a lot of things. I guess it is a cultural difference.

    I guess that was an awful lot. Take your time replying, I'm now subscribed to this thread : ).

    • I guess that was an awful lot. Take your time replying, I’m now subscribed to this thread : )

      It is a big theme and there is a late evening now. I will reply later.

      But now I will show you one of the best modern historicsl video that I've ever seen.

      It is serious, beautiful and requires knowledge of history.

      But it is the essence of our feeling and memories about WWII - you can see it by reaction of viewers (even in Ukraine, she is an Ukrainian artist).

      What do you think about this two video and difference between them?


    • Well… the problem with that is the education system.

      Yes. I think that there is a different conceptions of education itself.

      Soviet education was build around the idea "learn to learn". Schools and even univesitys do not teach concrete things, they tech skills required to learn nearly anything by yourself.

      They give a lot of different information, that may be look useless - history, mathematics, physics, hemistry, geography - so students have a base knowledge in a wide area.

      In combination with learning skills it give the ability to learn nearly any area of human knowledge or activity very fast.

      As far as I know in western countryes this model used only in elite, best schools and universitys.

      So, when I talk about educated people do not I mean people with some paper, ot people who had an intense history course.

      I mean the people, who constanly learning by themself and have a base knowledge in wide area.

      From that point of view video also looks different.

      until the great Gorbachev stepped in(my favorite Soviet leader by far XD;)

      I don think, that Gorbachev was great leader at all.

      But i fear that dicussion can turn into a quarrel at that point. )

      then the rise of democracy

      For russians it is not a rise of democracy.

      It is destruction of our country, death, slavery and poverty to most of the our people.

      Did you know, for example, that more than 500 000 russian girls were sold as slaves to different countries after that "rise of democracy"?

      Putin still glorifying the days of the Union

      Just lie less, from my side.

      we think that if he had it his way, he would go back to the Union and involve as many former Soviet states as he could

      People in this former USSR states were living much better in USSR.

      In exception of Baltic states, may be.

      So here in former USSS "go back to the Union" means "go back to better life".

      If you understand it, you understand many things in ex-USSR life.

      It really catches our attention. We don’t only use it for education, we use it when we want to catch others’ attention on a lot of things. I guess it is a cultural difference.

      I think, that it impossible to teach someone, it is only possible to help him in learning if he want to learn something.

      So, I am a bit sceptical about such ways of teaching. ))

  6. Neat, I've seen that video before! My Japanese friend who's really into Russian showed it to me a while back. I remember being really impressed with the artist's talent. It's amazing how quickly she draws with sand, and it's a great performance because it is all coordinated to the melancholy music.

    Yes, those two videos are basically incomparable. I like both of them, but for different reasons. I don't really understand a lot of the symbolism of your video. Why did that old woman turn into that pillar with a tree(?) on it? Why did that family sit by the pillar? I was kind of lost after that. Obviously Russians understand all the symbolism, but most Americans would understand the basic concept that the war was very sad- a universal concept. The WWII was a joyous time for very few people. Maybe the regions not participating in it... but they had their own problems.

  7. Yes, those two videos are basically incomparable.

    First of all, I like it style very much, I like how it done - and show it as an illustration of my tastes )

    Second, it shows russian perception of war and history of that time.

    It is interesting as demonstration of that difference of perception.

    The picture of war in "your" video complteley western. An it hard to describe difference in words.

    It is completely russian, even I don not understand all symbols, too young, need to learn history better. )

    But it is this that makes it so interesting.

    There is a lot of different songs from that period, the dictor voice in the beginning is the same voice that told on the radio that war begins in 1941 - etc.

    If you will learn russian history sometime, you will find many new senses in this video.

    I like such things.

    Why did that old woman turn into that pillar with a tree(?) on it? Why did that family sit by the pillar? I was kind of lost after that.

    Well, WWII was not usial war for russian. Gitler consider russian a lower race, such as jewish and want to conpletely exterminate all russians, as well as jewish (and for example, Hitler consider englishman, frenchman and americans as normal people and do not want to exterminate them, only to conquer).

    It was a war for extermination for russians.

    And we managed to stop this extermination only with really enormous sacrifices.

    For example, there was ORDERsfor german forces, not thoughts or plans, to completely destroy my hometown Leningrad and kill all it inhabitants.

    Nearly all men was gone to war, while womans and childrens work on factories and farm and wait for their returning. And many of them did not return and even did not buried propertly - so many people died on war.

    So this video has a pass thru story of woman an her beloved (they sitting on bench in the beginning), who has gone to war. An she is waiting him.

    And she did not know - is he still alive - as millions of womans at that time.

    The pillar with a star - it is a monument, such monuments were often constructed on near mass graves or sites, were too many people were lost in battles.

    In the end she waiting with his son.

    The WWII for any russian never will be "we build lot of tanks, conquer Berlin and looking for USA.

    It wiil be something like this - sacrifice at the face of total extermination.

    I will answer to your previos post later, I remember about it.

    End even industrialization of 30-s were preparing for war, for defence, we build so many not because we have some abstract ideas, but because we have urge need to be able to defence ourself.

    It is completely different from the picture shown in first video.

  8. Well, WWII was not usial war for russian. Gitler consider russian a lower race, such as jewish and want to conpletely exterminate all russians, as well as jewish (and for example, Hitler consider englishman, frenchman and americans as normal people and do not want to exterminate them, only to conquer).

    It was a war for extermination for russians.

    And we managed to stop this extermination only with really enormous sacrifices.

    For example, there was ORDERsfor german forces, not thoughts or plans, to completely destroy my hometown Leningrad and kill all it inhabitants.

    Nearly all men was gone to war, while womans and childrens work on factories and farm and wait for their returning. And many of them did not return and even did not buried propertly – so many people died on war.

    Hm that is very interesting. I guess I was not so aware of that. I know that in the beginning of the war Stalin and Hitler were working well together. Stalin even had a secret agreement with Hitler to help round up the Jews in Russia, and for a while, Russians were helping round up Jews to send to the Axis powers so they could be sent to concentration camps. This is different from the middle of the war where many Russians worked with Germans so their lives could be spared... of course after the war, if it was found out they were traitors, their lives weren't really spared anyway. What kind of pisses me off is that there was information found about the early part of the war where Stalin and Hilter worked together and had common ideas, but just like many things, the Russian government removed these documents from the public. People don't know what happened to these documents, however for a time they were open to reporters, and there was a bit of a scandal when there was a video published about the documentation.

    I'm not sure who Hitler considered Aryan. He was quite literally crazy, just like his buddy Stalin. I find it ironic that Maybe at first he was willing to consider Russians Aryan, but then changed his mind when relations fell through with Stalin. It's very sad because most people don't realize but other than Jews, the people to suffer most from WWII, and I believe also WWI were Russians. An estimated 26 MILLION people in the USSR died from the war. This is so disproportionate with other countries, even considering the USSR was a pretty large population.

    Anyway, I appreciate the explanation of the symbols in the video. It's all very interesting, especially since I'm a fan of history.

  9. I know that in the beginning of the war Stalin and Hitler were working well together.

    Did you know, that Great Britain and France and even USA companies (USA itself was not too active in Europe in 30-s) were also working well together with Hitler?

    Did you know that Britain and France consider possiblity of alliance with Gitler against USSR and Russia?

    Did you know anything about Munich Agreement?

    When France and Britain betray their ally Czechoslovakia to strenggthen Gitler against USSR?

    This agreement gave Gitler power to start big war.

    Did you know, that in 30-s Gitler was not cosidered as madman and crimilal in western countries?

    Sorry, but you really need to learn history of that time.

    And what Stalin has to do, when everyone was working with Gitler? An in the face of possible alliance between Britain and Germany (remember, britons was not lower race)?

    Stalin even had a secret agreement with Hitler to help round up the Jews in Russia, and for a while, Russians were helping round up Jews to send to the Axis powers so they could be sent to concentration camps.

    This is lie. Such agrements can't exist and I never seen any information about possiblity of such agreement.

    There was economical relations - we sell resourses (wood, ore etc) an buy german techologies and industrial equipment and even some weapons that works very well against Hitler later.

    Stalin also have diplomatical agreements about non-agression (after Britan and France refuse to sign such agreements AGAINST Hitler) and agreements about spheres of interest, but nothing more.

    Did you know that neutral Sweden sell important resourses to Hitler till the end of war?

    Stalin and Hilter worked together and had common ideas

    They had not any common ideas. Communism is much far from the fashizm than any other ideology, even than USA democracy.

    One of the main parts of communism and soviet ideology is internationalism - theory of total equality of different nations.

    Even Stalin was not russian - he was Georgian. It is like being black in USA. But in USA black man can became leader of the country only in XXI century (yes, Obama).

    f course after the war, if it was found out they were traitors, their lives weren’t really spared anyway.

    What would you think about people, working on someone who want to exterminete you and your nation?

    An even with that there was an amnesty for this people after victory.

    the Russian government removed these documents from the public

    I did not hear anything about it. There is a lot of information about this time and many different books on russian.

    Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact

    I’m not sure who Hitler considered Aryan.

    You can learn it if you want. )) It is part of history.

    There was french, dutch, spanish, italian and romanian forces fighting on Hitler side.

    As well as there was polish, czech and some other forces, fighting on USSR side.

    just like his buddy Stalin

    Stalin was not crazy. He was extremely rational. He was ruthless, but not crazy.

    He do what was needed at any cost.

    An Stalin was not his buddy.

    Chemberlen was.

    It’s very sad because most people don’t realize but other than Jews, the people to suffer most from WWII, and I believe also WWI were Russians.


    Simple example. Jew that was in Leningrad during blocade (read about it, it was real nightmare) are considered as victums of genocide and recive compensation payments from German goverment, because living in the Blocade was like being in death camp. Russians not.

    The same russians that often were neighbors of that jews and has exsactly the same experirence of this nightmare.


    This is very unpleasant question.

  10. Did you know, that Great Britain and France and even USA companies (USA itself was not too active in Europe in 30-s) were also working well together with Hitler?

    Did you know that Britain and France consider possiblity of alliance with Gitler against USSR and Russia?

    Did you know anything about Munich Agreement?

    When France and Britain betray their ally Czechoslovakia to strenggthen Gitler against USSR?

    This agreement gave Gitler power to start big war.

    Did you know, that in 30-s Gitler was not cosidered as madman and crimilal in western countries?

    Sorry, but you really need to learn history of that time.

    And what Stalin has to do, when everyone was working with Gitler? An in the face of possible alliance between Britain and Germany (remember, britons was not lower race)?

    In the early parts of the war, everyone was having an alliance with everyone because they wanted to prevent a big war. I have heard of the Munich Agreement, yes. These kinds of practices still happen today. The US backed Sadaam Hussein to be the leader of Iraq several decades ago, especially from the strong alliance between Reagan and Hussein. Later, they decided that Hussein needed to go and spent trillions of dollars and thousands of lives on the Iraq war. I can think of a number of dictators the US alone backed to lead the country and suppress/kill people.

    The big deal between the Hilter/Stalin alliance was that Russia represented a vast empire to the east, and if Hitler successfully recruited Russia into the Axis, WWII would have been much worse. Stupidly, he wanted to conquer Russia since the very beginning- something he even wrote in Mein Kampf.

    This is lie. Such agrements can’t exist and I never seen any information about possiblity of such agreement.

    So you think it's would not have been possible for the Soviet Army, in the early parts of the war, to find Jews to send to the Axis? It's not a lie, I saw it in a documentary. It wasn't really large-scale, it was only during the time Stalin and Hitler had the alliance. You wouldn't know about it because the Russian government characteristically got rid of the evidence as soon as it was disclosed. I wish I could find you some kind of article or something, but it was something I saw on a documentary about the Soviet Union, so I haven't been able to find anything online.

    They had not any common ideas. Communism is much far from the fashizm than any other ideology, even than USA democracy.

    No, there has never been such a thing as communism. Communism is utopia, it has never been practiced in all of society. There is Socialism. Technically the Nazi party were socialists, but everyone calls them fascists. What Stalin practiced was fascism, he was a dictator. The rest of the Soviet leaders are kind of pseudo-dictators, though I wouldn't really consider them fascist.
    Stalin was not crazy. He was extremely rational. He was ruthless, but not crazy.

    He do what was needed at any cost.

    I don't agree. I have read that Russians revere Stalin more than any other leader of Russia, and I don't consider someone who killed millions of people because he thought they were against the Soviet Union to be a great leader. He was a dictator, and he was no better than Hitler. The worst dictators in the 20th century were Stalin, Hitler, and Mao. At least, they caused the most deaths. Do you think that sending millions of people to death in the gulags or just to be killed was considered necessary? He may have modernized the country and made the Soviet Union as a whole arguably the most powerful region in the world for many years, but he could have done this without killing millions of people.

    • The big deal between the Hilter/Stalin alliance was that Russia represented a vast empire to the east, and if Hitler successfully recruited Russia into the Axis, WWII would have been much worse.

      And if France and Britain made alliance with Hitler, USSR will fail.

      It goes to both sides. There were three forces in Eurpe in 30-s - USSR, Axis and Allies. It was obvious, that these two forces who made alliance will win the war with third.

      No, there has never been such a thing as communism. Communism is utopia, it has never been practiced in all of society. There is Socialism.

      You wrong. Communism was official ideology of USSSR. Socializm was considered as a road to communism.

      There was communistic party, ideology, theory etc.

      And one way or another, internationalizm was one of the main part of soviet ideology.

      And not only soviet, internationalism always were one of the russian features.

      Total equality of all people always was russian ideal. East orthodoxy, pravoslavie were build around this idea too.

      In all our history there was not any lower races like black or american natives in western countries, this idea completely alien to russian culture.

      There was not any destruction of differen cultures in OUR histroy - conquered countries like Georgia, Finland or Poland save their unique culture.

      Even Stalin, who mercylessly destroed any opposition, who had not any free resourses, do not claim any nation wrong, do not destroy any existing national cultures.

      You wouldn’t know about it because the Russian government characteristically got rid of the evidence as soon as it was disclosed.

      Or because there was not such things. )

      Do you think that sending millions of people to death in the gulags or just to be killed was considered necessary?

      Stalin never send people to death. This is the main difference between Stalin and Hitler were that Stalin never had a goal to kill people.

      Stalin has goal to build an industry - at any cost, to win the war - at any cost.

      Not to kill jew, russian or any wrong people.

      He may have modernized the country and made the Soviet Union as a whole arguably the most powerful region in the world for many years, but he could have done this without killing millions of people.

      No he can't.

      It was inavoidable sacrifice and everyone in that time know it.

      Western leaders also killed millions of people to biuld their countries.

      In previous centures.

      The only difference - is that they already done this in XVI-XVIII-XIX centuries and already have a powerful countries in XX.

      Stalin did completely that same things that was done by western leaders before him.

      USA, Great Britain, all western countries had a very blood and dark history.

      There was genocide of Australian and American natives, the first use of boilogical weapon in human history were made agains american natives.

      There was slave trade in Africe tens millions killed people.

      There were an offical drug trade and Opium wars in China - with nearly 100 millions chinese dided from drugs.

      Millions of people were killed in India and othe Asian countries.

      And many peoples died till the industrialization of western europe,

      If we compare in % of total population - it will be more death than from Stalin industrialization, but Stalin did not have any colonies - he had to made industrialization only with societ resourse.

      India alone provide third part of investitions in GB industry.

      Stalin did not hav such things.

      But leaders of Great Britai, France, USA are not considered as fascist and evil criminal. They considered great leaders.


      Did you notice one really common thing between Stalin, Hitler and Mao?

      These three leader were enemies of western countries.

      So, they became evil criminals.

      If Hitler made allaince with western countries, he will be a good leader too.

      The worse dictators in your list were dictatoros opposing your country.

      This is patriotic, but far from truth.

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